Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thank You Cards and Tender Mercies

So, both my districts leave this week.  About half the missionaries left this morning and the rest leave tomorrow morning.  I have loved teaching them.  Several of them wrote me really kind cards and one in particular was really sweet and taught me a great lesson.  Hermana W. wrote me a card all in Spanish.  This Hermana has a heart as pure as they come, but came in with very little Spanish background.  She did pretty well, but didn't necessarily excel in Spanish.  She is however a powerful teacher and her grammar mistakes are very minor when compared to the spirit when she teaches.  She wrote me a really sweet card all in Spanish.  It was spattered with grammar errors, but that wasn't what what I saw when I read it.  I just saw the love and effort she poured into the card.  It taught me a great lesson that I needed to learn.  I feel like as I have been in Mexico, I have become much more aware of my short comings as a teacher.  I have worked to improve, but found that I was all too aware of what I lacked. This card taught me a great lesson, that if I give what I have to the Lord, imperfections and all, my efforts are not negated by my imperfections.  Heavenly Father sees who we are working on becoming and the effort we put forth.  He is more focused on what we have achieved and where we are going than what we lack.  That is not to say that he doesn't expect us to grow and become better, but rather he accepts our offerings as a step in our eternal progress.  I am grateful to my missionaries for the simple, yet powerful lessons I am able to learn from them each day.

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